Senin, 16 April 2012

Due to promiscuity

High incidence of human disease Immunodeficiany Virus / Acquired Immnune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV / AIDS), particularly in the age group of teenagers, one of the causes due bebas.Hasil association study in 12 cities in Indonesia including the London show 10-31% unmarried adolescents have been sexual intercourse.

In the city of Denpasar 633 Upper Level Secondary School students (high school) who had grade II, 155 people or 23.4% had sexual experience.

They comprised 27% of men and women 18%. National statistics on HIV / AIDS in Indonesia showed that approximately 75% of the body affected by the loss of immunity in adolescence.

Similarly, teens against drug abuse problems getting the data memprihatinkan.Berdasarkan people with HIV / AIDS in Bali to February 2005 recorded 623 people, most of the attacks the most productive age. Patients consisted of one person aged 5-14 years, 21 people aged 15-19 years, 352 people aged 20-29 years, 30-39 years of age 185 people, aged 40-49 years 52 men and 50 years and over one .

increasingly concerned about people living with HIV / AIDS suggests that, quite a lot of reproductive health problems that arise among adolescents. Therefore develop a model center of information and consultation through the adolescent reproductive health educator (counselor) peers are very important.

"The Center of information and consultation of adolescent reproductive health to be a model of community empowerment which aims to raise awareness and provide solutions to the individual participation of peers who experience reproductive health problems".

Management training was attended by 24 participants representatives from eight districts and one city in Bali last for four days.

Not long ago there was news about the desire of a group of people that legalized abortion, with the pretext of upholding human rights. This occurs because each year increase in cases of abortion in Indonesia is increasing, as evidenced by coverage in the media or any TV show there must be revealed cases of abortion.If this is the sec-legalkan occurring in Western countries will result in damage to the fabric of religion, culture and customs of the nation. Meaning has been lost moral values and norms that have long been ingrained in society. If this is dilegal it will push to further promiscuity in society.

One need not be married to have sex. While the release of the responsibility of pregnancy can be solved by abortion. Legalization of abortion is not just reproductive health issues locally Indonesia, but it's been one of coercive secular capitalist lifestyle is propagated through the United Nations ICDP (International Conference on Development and Population) in 1994 in Cairo Egypt.

Basically a woman who had an abortion will experience; suffering loss of self-esteem (82%), hysterical (51%), repeated nightmares about the baby (63%), suicide (28%), caught in a drug illicit drugs (41%), and can not enjoy sexual intercourse (59%).

Abortion or abortion means the termination content or intentionally discard the fetus before its time, (before it can be born naturally). Abortion is divided into two;

First, abortion is abortion spontaneus happens by accident. cause, weak content, lack of stamina due to excessive activity, wrong diet and poisoning.

Second, abortion is induced abortion provocatus. Deliberate intention is that a pregnant woman accidentally abortionist / fetus either by itself or with the help of others because they do not want the presence of the fetus.

Risk of Abortion
Abortion has risks of prolonged suffering to the health or safety of a woman's life.Not true to say that someone who had an abortion she "did not feel anything and can go home immediately."

This is a very misleading information for every woman, especially those who are confused because they do not want a pregnancy that has occurred. Health risks to women who have abortions are at risk of health and physical safety and psychological disorders.

In the book "Facts of Life" written by Brian Clowes, PhD; physical health and safety risks to be faced by a woman during an abortion and after an abortion is;
- Sudden death due to severe bleeding.
- Sudden death due to anesthesia failed.
- A slow death due to serious infection around the womb.
- A torn uterus (Uterine Perforation).
- Damage to the cervix (Cervical Lacerations) which will cause defects in subsequent children.
- Breast cancer (due to an imbalance of estrogen in women),
- Ovarian Cancer (Ovarian Cancer).
- Cancer of the cervix (Cervical Cancer).
- Liver cancer (Liver Cancer).
- Abnormalities in the placenta / umbilical cord (Placenta Previa) which will lead to subsequent defects in children and severe bleeding during future pregnancies.
- Being infertile / unable to have children again (ectopic pregnancy).
- Infection of the pelvis (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease).
- Infection of the lining of the uterus (endometriosis)

The process of abortion is not just a process that has a high risk in terms of health and safety of a woman physically, but also has a very great impact on a woman's mental state. This phenomenon is known in psychology as "Post-Abortion Syndrome" (Post-Abortion Syndrome) or PAS. These symptoms are noted in the "Psychological Reactions Reported After Abortion" in the publication of The Post-Abortion Review.

Therefore very important to note in this case the special attention of parents of teenagers is to be able to provide sex education is good and right. And give the teens a significant emphasis meyampaikan way: if you have sex, they should be ready to bear all the risks that pregnancy and venereal disease.

But we realize, people (parents) are still looking taboo to provide education, guidance to the child's sex. Though this will result in teens seeking information from outside is not necessarily the truth of the sex thing.

Pancasila values
A study conducted by research firm Synovate on behalf of DKT International Indonesia conducted research on sexual behavior of adolescents aged 14-24 years. Research conducted on 450 adolescents from Medan, Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya.

The results revealed that 64% of teens admit to consciously engage in premarital sex and had violated the values and religious norms. But that awareness did not influence the actions and their sexual behavior. The reason teenagers have sex is because they just happen without a plan.

The study also describes the teens do not have a specific and comprehensive knowledge about sex. Information about sex (65%) they got through a friend, Film Porno (35%), school (19%), and parents (5%). From this percentage can be seen that the dominant information from friends more than parents and teachers, but friends do not really know with this sex problem, because he also transformed from a friend the other.

Less parental attention, lack of cultivation of religious values have an impact on teenage promiscuity and result in easily perform sexual intercourse outside of marriage resulting in pregnancy and the condition of unpreparedness to settle down and be responsible to pass an abortion. A woman tends to do more daring (dementia) when faced with something like this.

At present these modren times, teens are exposed to conditions of value systems, and then the system is eroded by other value systems that conflict with moral and religious values. As lingerie model (fashion), model the association and the movies that are so intense teenage promiscuity adopted into their life style including the matter of sex outside marriage is considered one of reasonableness.

A few factors that lead to promiscuity among teenagers, namely;
First, the factor of religion and faith.
Secondly, environmental factors such as parents, friends, neighbors and the media.
Third, the lack of knowledge plus excessive curiosity.
Fourth, change the Age.

The value of Religion
Word of God: "And kill not your children for fear of being destitute. It is we who give sustenance to them and to you too. Surely killing them is great sin. "(Sura 17:31). Many young mothers reasoned that because the income is still not stable or not enough savings, then he is planning for an abortion.

Though the verse is already clear that the provision is a matter for God, while men were told to try. Killing one life is tantamount to killing all people. Save one life is tantamount to save everyone.

Islam gives a huge reward sin against abortionists. Word of God: "He who kills a man, not for reasons that require Qisas law, or rather because of unrest in the world, then as if he had killed all mankind. And whoever cares for the safety of a human life, it is as if he had to maintain the safety of all human life. "(Surah 5:32)

Therefore, abortion is murder, murder means the crime and fight against God's command. The Quran states: "The punishment of those who do mischief against Allah and His Messenger and create a disaster unrest in the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or cut the hands and legs are crossed, or exile from the community.Such punishment as an affront to them in the world and the hereafter, they have a grievous penalty. "(Surah 5:36)

Juridical Value / Legal
In the Book of Criminal Law Indonesia Chapter XIV of the crimes against decency Article 229 paragraph (1) said that abortion is the deliberate act on the acts themselves or ask for help in others considered a criminal act punishable by a maximum of 4 years imprisonment or a fine maximum of three thousand dollars.

Subsection (2) Article 299 is to continue that if the abortion is guilty of an outside party (not the mother who is pregnant) and the act was done for economic purposes, as a livelihood, then the sentence can be added a third sentence in paragraph (1) he is on.

If during this act was done as a livelihood, then it can be revoked her right to make such livelihoods. Then in Article 346 says that a woman who deliberately meyuruh an abortion or other person to do so is punishable by imprisonment of four years.

In Article 347 paragraph (1) stated that the pregnancy to abort or kill a woman without her consent is punishable by a maximum of 12 years in prison, and the next paragraph (2) indicate if the abortion is resulting in loss of life of women that contain it, then the offender is punishable by imprisonment of 15 years.

In Article 348 paragraph (1) mentioned that people who intentionally abort the womb of a woman over the woman's consent is punishable by a maximum of 15 years in prison, and paragraph (2) resume, if the action was causing her death, the offender is punishable by at least maximum 17 years in prison. Thus, the act of abortion in Indonesia, including a crime punishable by a clear and unequivocal.

It has been clear to us there is no basis for the design of the formation of the legalization of abortion law because it conflicts with the values of Pancasila, Religion and Law in force. Legalization of abortion will further encourage promiscuity in society.

One need not be married to have sex. While the release of the responsibility of pregnancy can be solved by abortion. While it is still a lot happening banned abortion, what if it is legalized? Legalization would result in people no longer afraid to have sex before marriage, prostitution, because if women only come to the doctor or midwife give birth to abort, with the condition the doctor or midwife to freely provide the benchmark price is very high in an abortion.

If per day who had an abortion 7 s / d to 8 people and once the price of Rp abortion. 4.000.000, -, means that in one day the doctor or midwife can reap a profit of Rp. 32 million, -. If the legalkan it is more negative impact on growth and development of adolescents, the legalization of no benefit to society and contrary to the values of Pancasila and Religion, if not contrary to accepted / established rules.

The most important fact is how teens can put him as a teenager who is good and right in accordance with the demands of religion and norms prevailing in the community and the required participation of parents in caring behavior in his daily life, providing religious education, sex education true. Therefore this problem is the task of all elements of the nation without exception, to be a priority in handling in order to prevent deaths due to abortion.

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